God's Gift to Us

Biblestudy: The Commandments (Part Ten)

Honor Your Parents, Part One

Given 24-Jun-89; 62 minutes



description: The fifth commandment provides a bridge, connecting our relationships with God and the relationships with our fellow human beings. It is the preeminent commandment of the second set of commandments, serving as a twin center pillar with the Sabbath commandment. The honor and deferential respect accorded to Almighty God should transfer to our physical parents and ultimately to other authority figures in society. Because the family structure provides the basic building block or template for all government, including the Government of God, if the family is undermined, society and government is likewise undermined. Because parents stand in the place of God, parents (because they are the formulators of the child's character) must live a life worthy of reverence as well as taking a timely, active, " hands —on" approach to the child's education and upbringing. God demands that parents produce Godly seed.