God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: Energy is Wealth


Given 21-Oct-08; 19 minutes



description: Energy is power. Minor nations with energy natural resources are able to extort robber baron prices for oil, holding us hostage and eroding our sovereignty and liberty, making us economic slaves. Whoever controls the natural resources controls the destiny of the nation. In Japan and Russia, the declining population reflects declining human resources. All of the Western nations have declining population, creating a vacuum ushering in a foreign Arab population. The United States and Canada control 40% of the fresh water resources, as well as the bread basket for the world. One day without food energy reduces us to unproductive drones. Water, oil, and coal are gifts from God to our father Abraham. Godly wisdom is also a form of energy and power. God's very words are an inexhaustible source of energy, available to God's people. All life on the face of the earth derives from our sun which was spoken into existence by our God. When begotten by God, a coalescence of physical and spiritual takes place within us, enabling us to have an unlimited access to God's Holy Spirit Power. All forms of energy came from within God.