God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: Holy Days, Signs, and Names

The Prince of Peace

Given 19-Sep-09; 18 minutes



description: The Sabbaths (including the annual Sabbaths) serve as signs identifying the people of God. The fifth of the eight signs in the book of John is associated with the Feast of Trumpets, which designates the return of Christ. As the disciples were struggling against the storm in the darkest part of night, Christ cut short the danger, delivering the disciples out of the fearful darkness. The time period which we identify with the Feast of Trumpets will be the darkest time of the church and the world, a time Christ will need to cut short Jacob's trouble, redeeming Jerusalem, re-gathering the outcasts of Israel exemplifying His fifth name Yahweh Shalom-the Lord of Peace or the Prince of Peace, putting down restlessness, anxiety, and hopelessness.