God's Gift to Us

Commentary: Liberalism and the Next Election (Part 1)

The Way a Liberal Thinks

Given 04-Jun-11; 12 minutes



description: Many radio talk show hosts now regard liberalism as the "Great Satan" of American politics, pointing to the pompous, supercilious attitude of 'progressive' politicians who think that they know better than the 'great unwashed' how things should be done. The shift toward liberal thought has been responsible for the corruption of morals and standards in this country. Conservatism is the political philosophy which wants to hang on to or preserve standards and traditions that have safeguarded the continuity of this culture, preferring gradual development than abrupt change. Liberalism has as its basis the assumption that one is free and not beholden to tradition, trusting in one's own impulses rather than in anything dictated by society, tradition, and orthodoxy. Liberalism, surprisingly, has its roots in Protestantism, glorifying intellectual and spiritual freedom. As a political philosophy, it is based on the belief in progress, the essential goodness of human nature, and the autonomy of the human individual. Both liberalism and conservatism have positive and negative qualities, but when either of them are carried to an extreme, they become tyrannical and dictatorial. Presently, we are in danger of becoming enslaved by liberalism, with its proponents discarding the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. Ultra-conservatism can lead to another kind of tyranny. Satan introduced liberalism, promising his followers liberty because they would be free to set their own standards. Our founding fathers, coming from a background of enlightened Protestantism, offered liberties in the Constitution. Because they thoroughly understood the evils of human nature, they also put in many checks and balances. Our founders realized that the Constitution would only work for people who were Christian and moral, wholly dependen