God's Gift to Us

Commentary: Reinterpreting History

Charles Manson, Right-Winger?

Given 25-Nov-17; 11 minutes



description: After the death of Charles Manson, the notorious cult leader and murderer, The New York Times morphed into an extreme, far-leftist, propaganda organ committed to attacking traditional values, especially if they emanate from Christianity or conservatism. An op-ed by Baynard Woods, where he asserts that Charles Manson was a precursor to the alt-right, comparing him to Ted Cruz, makes this commitment evident. Woods and others fail to comprehend that Communists and Nazis share the left side of the Right-Left continuum, both making common cause with collectivist, big government, socialism. In point of fact, there was nothing conservative about Manson, whose commune-domiciled followers hoped to start a race war by killing white people. Professor Woods and The New York Times are diligently fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 5:20 by calling evil good and good evil, while at the same time demonstrating that the mainstream media, bent on reconstructing history, is no friend of the truth. Anyone who wants to know the truth must approach the media with discernment, care, and healthy skepticism.