God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: Hypocrisy (2006)

What's Inside Should Show On The Outside

Given 08-Jul-06; 17 minutes



description: The Academy Awards showcase inordinate attention lavished upon people who make their living by pretending. It is amazing how much influence they have on the general population. Motion picture stars have a disproportionate influence on our society. Earlier this year, another actor, the BTK killer, was brought to justice. He was such an accomplished actor that he could delude his family and friends. Jesus castigated the scribes and Pharisees for saying one thing and practicing another. Satan was the first actor, claiming God had ulterior motives for withholding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Judas demonstrated his hypocrisy as he betrayed Jesus, after having been several years in His fellowship. We have to take care that we are not pretending or acting, but positively reflect on the outside what we are on the inside.