God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: Places of Safety

Christ is Our Place of Safety

Given 23-Apr-22; 13 minutes



description: At His last Passover as a human being, Our Lord and Savior prayed for the safety of His disciples, then and now, that the Father would protect them from the Evil One (John 17:12-15). In the early years of the Worldwide Church of God, new members were motivated and obsessed by the prospect of qualifying for a specific physical location where they could be spared from martyrdom or tribulation. A careless reading of Luke 21:36 may have led some to conclude that certain favored ones would receive a free pass away from consternation while the not so diligent ones would be embroiled in tribulation. Psalm 91 dispels this assumption, promising protection on one hand, but also describing horrendous situations including the agonizing deaths of those around them, and treading on poisonous snakes and lions, as well as continuous fleeing from persecution. Jesus Christ (not a physical location) is our place of safety Who alone has the power to deliver, set on high, honor, and be with us in the midst of trouble (Psalm 91:16). From time to time there may be literal places (or oases) of safety, but a great many of God's servants (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) were not spared the horrors of a fiery trial. Remember that Christ was by their side continually, the most secure place of safety imaginable. Like the wise virgins, God's people must be constantly vigilant, seeking the Bridegroom as the only secure place of safety (Luke 12: 35-40).