God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: To Vote or Not to Vote

Should Christians Vote?

Given 20-May-23; 19 minutes



description: Despite the prevailing understanding over the years that an ambassador of the Kingdom of God refrains from participating in political of affairs of a foreign country, some withing the Church of God feel it is our collective responsibility to support the more righteous of two worldly candidates—or perhaps the lesser of two evils. Because the governments of the entire world, including those governed by Jacob's offspring, are influenced by the prince and the power of the air, voting is discouraged. God has ultimate power over all governments, having anointed for a good purpose or appointed for an evil purpose. Because all power ultimately derives from God (Psalm 62:11, John 19:10), we should not presumptuously usurp power from God. The entire civilization has been deceived and are all part of Satan's handiwork, including the entirety of physical Israel. As ambassadors of Christ and the coming Kingdom of God, we dare not become entangled in the political affairs of this world, whose governments will all be replaced by the Kingdom of God.