God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: The Momentum of Sin


Given 06-Apr-24; 20 minutes



description: Sadly, the Judeo-Christian values shared by the descendants of Jacob have increasingly come under attack from gentile and progressive woke humanistic assimilation, making all Israelitish countries vulnerable to the dreadful curses identified in Deuteronomy 30:19. In 1642, the Puritan Separatists steadfastly resisted the assimilation of Pagan fire and fertility rituals, banning both Christmas and Easter, but lost the battle as the Anglican and other mainstream 'Christian' denominations rendered them marginal. Before the "sexual revolution" in the 1960s, stigma was attached to sex outside of wedlock, acts of sodomy attached to homosexual relationships, and the sexual mutilation of transgender exploration. Every perverted movement starts small, slowly, and insignificantly, but if it is not immediately quashed, it soon takes over, displacing morality with a satanic reprobate mind, sadly compatible with garden variety human nature (James:14). As David viewed Bathsheba from his elevated location, his failure to bring his wandering thoughts under captivity led him to commit adultery, murder, and separation from God. Both David and Mother Eve failed to slow down the momentum of their carnal lusts, putting their future offspring at perpetual mortal risk. The momentum of sin is dangerous, especially when the consequences appear to be far away, as illustrated by the recent Baltimore Harbor disaster. We are rapidly running out of time to resist the deadly pulls of carnality and sin, pulling us toward eternal death without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.