God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: Belief and the Firstfruits

The Appointment to Eternal Life

Given 14-Jun-08; 19 minutes



description: In his book, State of Fear, Michael Crichton states that "the past history of human belief is a cautionary tale." What people believe will determine the kind of lives they lead or the fruit they produce. What we believe influences the work we produce. As long as the West (the modern nations of Israel) did not mix or syncretize God's truth with error or pagan beliefs, they continued to reap God's blessings, but as they watered down God's truth with poisonous multi-cultural syncretism, they lost God's blessings and protection. God has blessed the firstfruits with precious belief and knowledge which must be protected, guarded, nourished and exercised so it will not slip away, as the congregation in the book of the Hebrews had allowed. True belief pervades everything we do.