God's Gift to Us

Commentary: The Tyranny of the Majority: Satan's Tool to Destroy Nations


Given 27-Feb-21; 10 minutes



description: Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory (GT) carried the day, resulting in the development of medicine as we currently know it. The failure of medicine to conquer diseases such as cancer gives the lie to GT and the treatment regimens it has spawned. The 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic does not prove GT, as many contend; rather, conversely, the compromised "terrain" of the population, largely a consequence of wartime conditions, fostered its spread. Antoine Béchamp's Terrain Theory (TT) advocates do their cause no good by syncretizing the theory with vegetarianism, eastern religions, and occult practices, often damaging their argument by taking the immoderate position of denying the existence of germs altogether—something Béchamp never did. The advocates of GT support their notions though an emotional appeal to "the greater good," claiming that TT undermines the development of herd immunity by rejecting the concept of vaccination. Should it gain traction in a risk-adverse and disease-fearing public, the charge that TT is a positive evil, ultimately working against the objectives of public health, could lead to a tyranny of the majority, one of Satan's principal tools for weakening nations (Isaiah 14:12).


A while back, I compared Pasteur’s Germ Theory with Béchamp’s Terrain Theory. Both sought to build a theoretical framework describing the nature of disease in order to facilitate the development of effective treatments.

  • Pasteur’s perspective was that the body is highly vulnerable to attack by bacteria, most of which he defined as hostile, that is, as pathogens. He held that the germ was to be feared and fought, as in war, by erecting defenses to keep germs out. Such defenses include pasteurization, sterilization and vaccination. If those germs do manage to get in there, well, shoot them down with radioactive agents.
  • Béchamp took another path, seeing the body, if healthy, as having natural defenses against pathogens. He too recognized that pathogens are destructive, but he believed that the terrain, that is, the condition of the body, the internal environment, should be the focus of treatment, not the infection itself, which is, in effect, simply the symptom of a weakened body. His treatments therefore stressed proper diet, exercise, sleep and hygiene; these form a good part of the toolset of today’s alternative medicine.

Pasteur’s ideas carried the day. Doctors war against disease by encasing patients in bubbles, in some cases literally, but more generally by artificial immunization (that is, vaccination) and through various distancing protocols, such as sterilization. It is medicine by mask and chemical.

But, in the final analysis, an objective review of the numbers gives the lie to Germ Theory, as the treatment protocols it has spawned have failed to end or even significantly erode disease. And, in point of fact, the treatment methods consonant with Germ Theory are responsible for the death of untold billions of people over the past 150 years or so. The smart bugs just shape-shift, taking a form which the chemically inoculated body, weakened by a plethora of environmental deficiencies, simply cannot deal with.

The Germ Theory, like other lies of Satan, is largely fraudulent. Sadly, it is hard to quantify the damage it has done. But, when you consider the long-term side-effects of drugs, of vaccines, so long-term in fact that we have difficulty recognizing the cause-and-effect relationships between the administration of a drug and its ensuing consequences, separated perhaps by many years or even generations, when you consider these unquantifiable yet real phenomena, you begin to understand that the number I used, “billions,” is probably not too high at all. You begin to realize how costly Satan’s lie has been over the decades.

As a fairly good example, consider the Spanish Flu, starting at the end of World War I. It may have been responsible for as many as 50 million deaths worldwide before it ran its course, in its four revivals over about 26 months. Germ theorists claim that the spread of this flu, originally among U.S. military personnel, demonstrates how inadequate the Terrain Theory is. They claim that the healthy bodies of thousands of men at their prime proves that terrain does not matter; the virus had the upper hand regardless of the condition of the victim’s immune system. What they fail to mention is that these men had received a mandatory, highly dangerous smallpox vaccine, basically the one developed by Edward Jenner in the last years of the 18th Century—incidentally, not the one used today. That vaccine left their immune systems badly, badly compromised. Add to this the debilitating effects of gassing, the poor nutrition in the field, the enervating weather conditions and the positively filthy conditions of the trenches, and you have a “perfect storm” for terror. When the disease finally got over to India, among a malnutritioned populace which practiced poor nutrition and sanitation, well, no wonder the mortality rate rose to such dizzying heights.

The point is this: Not only was the external environment—sanitation and the such—inadequate to handle the challenges presented by the virus, but the individual’s internal environment, what Béchamp called the terrain, was weakened by the widespread (and mandatory) use of a highly inefficient vaccine, the side-effects of which were not recognized for decades. As this example indicates, the cost exacted by accepting the Germ Theory indeed has been high beyond belief.

Well, there continues a raging battle between those who follow Pasteur’s ideas and those who espouse Béchamp’s ideas. From a professional standpoint, terrain theorists tend to be nutritionists, many practice chiropractic. As God’s people evaluate their recommendations, we usually find no problem with those associations. (Many of them, for instance, are vegan.) But, many a Terrain Theory advocate shoots himself in his own foot by mixing sanity with insanity. This gives the Terrain Theory a bad name. Many such advocates become connected with the occult, with Eastern religions, with obviously kooky medical treatments. Since birds of a feather do flock together, many often associate with some rather far-out conspiracy theorists as well. Not a few of them are hippie throwbacks, waving flowers while advocating sexual license. When we in the church connect with these far-out teachings, these connections damage their credibility with us.

More than all that, many Terrain Theory advocates throw out the baby with the bathwater. They go too far, arguing that germs and viruses do not exist at all but are the product of “fake news” and “pseudo-science.” They claim that what microbiologists see through their microscopes is really just “cellular debris.” This seems to me to be a highly immoderate approach, as the existence of microbes of various types is obvious. In fact, they perform a needed function in various bodily processes, especially digestion. Sadly, when these people deny the existence of germs and viruses, they provide fodder for germ theorists, who are quick to level the charge that terrain theorists are quacks, food-faddists, fasters, anti-vaxers, anti-GMO, anti-gluten, anti- this and anti- that.

But, in my view, the most dangerous charge those accepting Germ Theory lodge again Terrain Theorists is that they are dangers to society. As an example, consider Harriet Hull. If there ever was anybody who was a real believer in Germ Theory, it is Harriet Hull. She concedes that some deniers, like those who deny 9/11, are basically harmless. But, from our viewpoint at least, she continues with a menacing comment indeed:

But people who reject the germ theory are not harmless. By rejecting vaccination, they are decreasing the herd immunity in our population and are endangering the public health of us all.

Well, artificial immunity (vaccination) does not increase herd immunity. In her statement, Hull treads close to the philosophy of the “greater good,” a brainchild of Satan. She does this by suggesting that vaccination should be mandatory, and that on the baseless grounds that vaccination increases herd immunity. One of the real dangers of espousing sane ideas, like Terrain Theory, while connecting those ideas to insane ones, like Eastern religions, is that the majority can become a tyranny, imposing its will on the minority in the name of the greater good, the patristic notion of saving people in spite of themselves.

At Isaiah 14:12, God speaks of Satan as one who “lays the nations low,” the destroyer of nations. The theory of the greater good is a prime ideological tool used by Satan to destroy nations. That theory drives the tyranny of the majority. In the current pandemic, we are witnessing this destruction—at least the economic destruction of the West—take place before our eyes.
