God's Gift to Us

Commentary: Gorsuch's Nomination

Supreme Court Politics

Given 04-Feb-17; 13 minutes



description: God commands in Deuteronomy 16:18 for the Israelites to appoint judges in their gates. From the left to right political spectrum, Judge Gorsuch is slightly left of Clarence Thomas, but to the right of everyone else, including his old mentor Anthony Kennedy, for whom he clerked many years. Many have evaluated the nominee's views as originalist, comparable to the late Justice Scalia, who did not believe that justices were free to interpret law according to their own whims or to accommodate so-called "changing times." Consequently, Judge Gorsuch sided with the decision that Hobby Lobby was not liable to pay for contraception, and has ruled against euthanasia and abortion, claiming that life is valuable. If confirmed, he would serve as a counterweight to activist judges who push same-sex 'marriage' and other 'progressive' aberrations. His resume is sterling, and he has a good rapport with the public (except for a number of unhinged lawmakers.) Because of his impeccable record, his nomination is likely to go smoothly, but the approval process for future potential appointees may not go so smoothly because they will be replacing liberal 'activist' judges. The prospect of originalist Judges who eschew using the court to make social policy terrifies 'progressive' lawmakers.