God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: The Value of Money

Luke 16:9 - The Mammon of Unrighteousness

Given 13-Oct-05; 17 minutes



description: The Parable of the Unjust Steward teaches that we cannot depend on wealth continuing indefinitely. We must become wise stewards over it while we have it. Jesus suggests that compared to the Kingdom of God, material wealth is a little thing. Faithfulness, wisdom, and character development (spiritual values), on the other hand, last for eternity. We cannot serve two masters, giving oneself over totally to worldly possessions and God's Kingdom. We must pro-rate our time and energy so that God's way of life takes priority. If we don't put worldly wealth into its proper perspective, it will become a deity, demanding slavery to those who pursue it. We cannot allow the pursuit of wealth to become our master.