God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: Has Your Heart Been Healed? (Part One)

Desiring a Whole Heart

Given 18-Mar-06; 15 minutes



description: Although the United States is the richest nation on the earth, all the billions spent annually to treat anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders have not fixed what is really broken - a malfunction of the spirit, in most cases, caused by a carnal mind steeped in sin, greed, and immorality. By merely living in this humanistic, materialistic society, we cannot help but acquire a heart that is dysfunctional in some way. J. Paul Getty, who lamented that he would trade all his billions for one happy marriage, never found the secret of a contented, sound, pure heart. In his inaugural sermon, Jesus referred to "healing the broken hearted," that is, mending those spiritual maladies and anxieties of the human spirit. Unfortunately, the current blind doctors of the 'spirit,' having tolerated sin (pronouncing homosexuality and other aberrations as normal), cannot be counted upon to provide solutions for a broken spirit. A sound, whole heart cannot be attained by those who allow carnal human nature to dictate or rule their lives, but only by those who are willing to mortify the flesh with the aid of God's Holy Spirit, desiring this transformation with their whole beings.
