God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: Israelite Soap Opera


Given 18-Jan-97; 24 minutes



description: An A&E production of King David, suggested that the story of King David would make a great Israelite soap opera, replete with rags to riches success, intrigue, sensuality, violence, and suspense. Bath Sheba was the granddaughter of Ahithophel, David's trusted counselor, and the daughter of Eliam, Ahitphophel's son, who was also a close friend of Uriah the Hittite. David lusted after Uriah's wife, committing adultery with her. The Prophet Nathan confronts David with his sin, leading to a public confession and doubtless humiliation for both David and Bath Sheba. The ripple effect of this indiscretion besmirched the reputation of the entire extended family, including Ahithophel, who started to develop a vendetta against that lusty, lecherous King David. He continued to perform his role as counselor to the king, and grandfather to the queen, biding his time until he could find an opportunity for revenge. About a decade later, when Absalom reached 80 years, David's son Absalom provided Ahitophel all the ammunition he needed for revenge when civil war took place between the forces of David and the rebel forces of Absalom. Ahitophel became Absalom's counselor, advising him to openly have sex with David's concubines, as a sign he was now king and was taking over the throne. Furthermore, he advised him to send 12,000 men to chase after the rebels and to kill David. Though Ahitophel's advice would have worked, the counsel of Hushai foiled Ahithophel's plans with a stalling tactic. As a result 20,000 men lost their lives in the rebellion, and David regained the throne. Ahitophel was exposed as a vengeful old man who came to a disastrous end.
