description: Everything we do in our lives, including the teaching of the children, has to be evaluated with our number one priority (Seeking first the Kingdom of God) in mind. Should we teach our children or should we allow the church to do that? Did Y.O.U. have a positive impact on the youth in the church? Did it hold them in the church? It did not have much of a positive impact on the church's children. Having the church teach our children inverted the biblical priority. The major priority of the church calendar in October of 1989 was Y.O.U., which demanded an inordinate amount of time and excessive inter-congregational coordination, all catering to one group within the church. The tail seemed to be wagging the dog. Major activities of the church could not take place unless it cleared with the Y.O.U. calendar. The children are the parents' responsibility, not the responsibility of the church or the ministry. When parents teach their children God's way, there is a blessing attending it. The church cannot compete against television, but parents can. Rearing children is a 24 hour a day responsibility. The responsibility of the parents is the converted saints'; the responsibility for the education of the children is squarely on the parent.