God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: Fault Lines


Given 17-Sep-22; 16 minutes



description: It is clear that the blame game has escalated from everywhere, including the political left and right, the mainstream, alternative media, social media, not unlike out-of-control tectonic plates threatening to collide, causing a major earthquake. Sadly, our nation and the other lands of Jacob's offspring are destined for catastrophe. Born out of revolution, Americans are short on humility, compromise, and diplomatic statesmanship. God's people, who formerly were also children of wrath (Ephesians 2:2-3), need to extract themselves from the fray of physical Israel and yield to Christ, who has raised the bar on loving our enemies to a higher standard than He has for the rest of mankind (Matthew 5:21-30), demonstrating that murder and adultery are more than outward motor behaviors but begin in the recesses of the heart. To harbor ill will equates with the spirit of murder. We must capture every wayward hostile, vindictive thought, bringing it into captivity of Christ (II Corinthians 10:3-5).