God's Gift to Us

Commentary: Political Correctness in Spades (Part Two)

Black Lives Matter and Abortion

Given 30-Jul-16; 9 minutes



description: Political correctness is a savage war on truth in which a gullible public is persuaded to dismiss evidence people witness with their own eyes, replacing it with a false, delusional narrative. Inordinately fearful individuals, those who believe themselves to be powerless victims, or those who prize social acceptance over truth, display a penchant for accepting this unreal narrative. Philip Hodges revealed the virulent lies of the Black Lives Matter movement by his tweet, "Don't vote for Hillary; She's killing black people," a reference to the Presidential candidate's ardent support of Planned Parenthood, formed by the black-hater, Margaret Sanger. That group murders-through abortion- over 355,510 black babies a year, far in excess of the 258 black men killed in confrontation with police. The state-controlled media shields Planned Parenthood's role as Murder Incorporated, organized by progressive liberals. For Planned Parenthood and progressive liberals, saving black children does not matter; killing babies is one of the greatest profit generators in American history.


I am going to give you the definition of political correctness once again: It is the demand that you dismiss evidence you witness with your eyes or experiences, replacing it with a delusional, false narrative shoved into your mind to force you to conform. The key word is "delusional." You might remember the example, "The barn is not red; it is blue."

I also mentioned to you that those most likely to fall victim of this attack on truth are those who are ignorant of the truth regarding a given situation, those who are fearful, and those who are striving for acceptance by another person or group.

Political correctness is a war on truth. The perpetrators are most likely to be governments, the media, political organizations, and sometimes even one’s employer.

On July 11, I received an email from the Constitution website written by one Phil Hodges. Mr. Hodges is a mulatto and to me that added some additional interest. His blog post concerned a tweeted message that apparently had nationwide exposure.

The tweet was authored by Planned Parenthood in support of the Black Lives Matter organization. After I read Mr. Hodges entire article, I am sure that very few of that organization’s membership grasps that organization’s true purpose. That organization appears to exist solely to stir up political change through violence.

A unit of Black Lives Matter was holding a rally somewhere in the states and the Planned Parenthood tweet was accompanied by a photograph of it. The photograph was of a crowd scene, and right in the center of the photo was a woman holding a nicely painted sign, saying, “Stop killing Black children."

The hypocrisy displayed in this combination incredible. This is PC at work at its most intense. That photo appears so supportive of Black Lives Matter, but it is my hope that at least some of the membership did some thinking and added some research to their thinking efforts (as Mr. Hodges did) to make them reject what was going on there.

First: I wonder, do Black people understand that the major reason why founder Margaret Sanger began Planned Parenthood in the first place was to abort Black children? She fervently believed Black people are a defective race. In one of her works, she called them, "human weeds."

Planned Parenthood is to this very day right at the forefront of leading the way to wipe out Black people! Listen carefully: Are you aware that Planned Parenthood kills more Black babies in just one day than all the police in the entire United States of America kill Black men in one entire year?

When you think of that a bit, it begins to become apparent that Black Lives matter only if a political agenda is involved. Too bad if you happen to be a baby.

The beat goes on! In fact, it gets worse. Last year in America, police were directly responsible for killing 258 Black men. This is where the liberals are bringing their prejudiced pressure to bear to get people to accept their politically correct delusion. Think about what this politically correct delusion is built on for a while. There are just over 45,750,000 Black people in the United States of America. That 258 men killed is only 6 one millionth of 1% (0.000006) of the Black population.

None of them should have died. That is a fact But listen to these facts, these truths, and compare. Planned Parenthood aborts an average of 2,782 children of all races each and every day in the United States. 35% of those children are Blacks.

Hold on to your hats. That means 974 Black babies are aborted every day in America, and that 974 totals (over 365 days' time) to 355,510 Black children in one year. How does 355,510 babies compare to 258 adult men?

Planned Parenthood is murder, incorporated. They are assisting Blacks to wipe themselves out, encouraged by all the noise one finds on radio and TV news in which the progressive liberals are pushing their vision of a better America. The reality is, to Planned Parenthood saving Black children doesn’t matter because each aborted baby is money in their pocket. Killing babies is one of the greater profit generators in American history.
