description: When God called us out of this dysfunctional world, with its syncretized observance of pagan holy days, many of us had to cope with the ostracism of our physical family, learning to respond with tact and wisdom. Even religious encyclopedias of major denominations admit that these holidays were designed to placate pagan converts into Catholicism, with the explanation "it's for the children," or it represents the spirit of giving, ignoring that Almighty God has placed a restriction on these practices (Deuteronomy 12:30). Sadly, they chose for themselves what they thought was a better, more exciting, fun way to way to worship, making the worship of God about themselves. Solomon explains that because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, the hearts of the people are fully set to do evil (Ecclesiastes 8:11). Consequently, any religion or system that does not give its undivided loyalty to the Creator, to the one true God, and is not devoted to His truth, is nothing more than a method of worship created by men.