description: Competitiveness is a wired-in trait of raw carnal human nature, leading to violent sports injuries, leading our patriarch Jacob to surreptitiously usurp the birthright from Esau, and displays itself in competitive card games. The hand that we are dealt contains the potential for victory, but not if we are not equipped to play it skillfully and wisely. As Charles Swindoll has proclaimed, the [game of] life is 10 percent what happens and 90 percent how we approach or react to it. As God's saints, we are admonished to set our minds on things above and resist coveting material things on earth, which comprise vanity and temporariness. Carnal desires and physical things can never be satisfied, but spiritual treasures including the living water (God's Holy Spirit) which will slake our thirst forever. In the game of life , we have been dealt the best "wild card" ever—namely, Jesus Christ and His precious Holy Spirit, guaranteeing that we will be victors if we use that power. If God is for us, nothing will defeat us.