God's Gift to Us

Sermonette: The Purpose of the Sabbath


Given 18-Jan-25; 18 minutes



description: Almighty God sanctified the seventh day as holy time to be kept in perpetuity, the time God instructs His Saints to adjust to His Spiritual plan for them. Keeping the Sabbath in a world dominated by Satan's evil influence requires considerable sacrifice, possibly requiring career changes or strained family relationships. Keeping the Sabbath in alignment with God's intent requires deep study, meditation, and prayer. The Sabbath has always been a God-designed period to educate His chosen saints about His ways so they can build a relationship with Him. Rather than prescribing a rigid set of rules, the Sabbath enables God's people to learn spiritual principles, exercise righteous judgment, and align their actions with His purpose. While the world regards the Sabbath as a burden, God's people realize the Sabbath as a delight, a day to strengthen faith, honoring Him through focused worship and reflection, enabling each believer to grow in understanding and spiritual maturity.